Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monday, April 30, 2007

THis is worth reading....

A coming out message by a times sports columnist

Monday, March 12, 2007

Joint Chiefs of Staff calls homosexuality immoral

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs(USA) Gen. Peter Pace said he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it by allowing gay soldiers to serve openly!!!!!!

Click here to read this interesting homophobic statement by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of USA, Gen Pace.

"Its not at all immoral, Gen.Pace and gays have a right to fight for their country too!!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Plan to be On

I am trying to put atleast a fraction of what I put into my str8 blog. And the outcome are the few posts that i've made. I plan to be on and about, posting my thoughts more often now...

Out and About

Lance Bass

George Michael

Recent years have been the most happening period as far we are concerned. Too many outings. Celebrities across the world having been creeping out(or have been forced to creep out) of that stifling fug closet. That may make things a lot better for others..
But we just have to remember the one's who came out in times that were far far more difficult...

Oscar wilde was forced out of the closet and hence forth he flaunted his sexuality quite openly

Martina Navratilova

Sir Ian Mckellen

Ellen De Generes

Rupert Everett

Sir Elton John

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Long time (2)

Dichotomy was where I stopped last time and dichotomy is where I begin...

How can the life of a gay man be so split? The instinct to hide what we feel will get societal censure?? What will people think? How will they treat me? Will they ever let me coexist?

Or is it the censure of the family and loved ones that we fear??? A father too conservative. A brother who uses the word Faggot. A mother who's waiting for us to marry and have children??

Its definitely the conjunction of both and we hide & hide behind layers and layers and the result? We are layered, rarely the open-heart types! No surprise we are one of the most complex subraces in humanity. We rarely miss an allusion or a hidden remark....

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Long Time(1)

Well, I have been neglecting this blog a lot while giving my str8 blog a lot of attention. Yes, my two blogs amply reflect the dichotomy of my life. Pretence of being str8 and not being str8.

Dichotomy of life!!! As soon as we realise we may not be as str8 as required(hehe) our first instinct is to cover it up. The dichotomy starts...

Will keep you blogged!